Recognized as the most secure method for communicating to remote private networks over the Internet, the IPSec standard provides robust authentication and encryption of IP packets at the network layer of the OSI model. As a standard it is ideal for multi-vendor interoperation within a network, providing flexibility and the ability to match the right solution for a particular application.
Perle IOLAN with IPSec VPN
IOLANs provide the most advanced serial to Ethernet solutions available. With the built-in VPN Gateway feature, IOLANs can participate within an IPSec VPN infrastructure simplifying deployments connecting to critical assets that use serial communications.
Typical applications are:
- Serial console management of remote branch equipment using existing IPSec infrastructure
- Routers, Switches, Firewalls, Servers, PBX...
- Serial console management of remote branch equipment from off-site locations
- Pass serial communications between equipment within an IPSec tunnel

Secure access to console ports on remote equipment can be provided through the use of the IOLAN VPN gateway feature. An administrator using Telnet client software or a Java-enabled browser can connect from their central site through the local IPSec enabled router to the remote site. A secure IPSec tunnel between the local router and the IOLAN VPN gateway is established. Once user authentication is successful on the IOLAN, the Administrator can then communicate to authorised serial console ports on the remote equipment within the safety of a secure IPSec tunnel. If enabled/allowed on the IOLAN, other IP addressable equipment can also be accessed through the IOLAN’s secure tunnel. Therefore with an IOLAN located at a remote site, an administrator can securely access remote Windows 2003 servers via RDP or if necessary access the Windows 2003 EMS serial console port to recover the server through BIOS level commands.

During emergencies, Administrators can also access the same equipment from off-site locations such as hotels or home. The IPSec client built into Windows Vista Business and Ultimate editions when installed and configured on the Administrators laptop can establish a secure IPSec tunnel with the remote IOLAN VPN Gateway.

When communication is required involving sensitive data across a network, the best way to accomplish this is with an IOLAN VPN gateway. All serial data including RS232 control signals is passed between the equipment across a secure, encrypted IPSec tunnel. In this case IOLAN VPN gateways are established on each end.

Another requirement may be to have a legacy serial COM/TTY based application running on Windows, Linux, Solaris, SCO or Unix communicate directly on the network to the remote equipment. With Perle’s TruePort COM port redirector, bi-directional serial data from the application is converted to Ethernet and encapsulated into IP packets. These packets are then forwarded to a secure IPSec tunnel for remote conversion to serial data by the IOLAN.
Learn more about Perle IOLAN Serial to Ethernet Terminal Servers.