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What does 5G mean for public safety?

By Max Burkhalter
May 6, 2021

First responders need highly advanced tools to help them save lives, whether it's locational data on a 9-1-1 caller who is using a mobile phone, or visual data from medical scans to help rapidly stabilize a patient in the field before transport 5G networks are changing the face of public safety for the better.

According to Adapt IT, 5G allows for enhanced digitization, automation and remote connections that can make all the difference when someone needs help fast. Robotics, drones and camera surveillance can be utilized for rapid, accurate response in a crisis.

How 5G benefits first responders
5G can help streamline workflows and improve communication, providing a substantial increase in efficiency as well as improved situational awareness. Connectivity permits more effective, real-time communications, and 5G networks can deliver fast, uninterrupted access to critical applications and data at all times. This evolution in wireless technology works at high speed and with low latency letting first responders access data and resources on their wireless devices.

Unlike the current 4G LTE centralized network, which has relatively low bandwidth compared to 5G and can struggle to support multiple users at once, 5G delivers a superlative connectivity experience, allowing a heavier load of users on the same amount of bandwidth without delays in communications or poor image and video quality.

5G network providers deliver service from the network edge, rather than depending on individual devices' processing power. This gives first responders more visibility, and allows them to directly prioritize data streams and devices with connectivity to the network.

Data and videos can be downloaded much more quickly than on 4G. There are fewer (or no) interruptions, and a broader level of access to both information and applications that can help workers in their field to save lives.

Examples of 5G-enabled tech
As providers continue to roll out 5G networks, and rugged devices are added to first responders' gear as a matter of course, the possibilities for lifesaving actions in the field expand. For search and rescue, unmanned aerial systems (UAS) or drone technology allow scenes to be scanned rapidly and accurately from the air, which can allow swift finding of a lost or injured person and pinpointing of their location for retrieval. 

Samsung notes that the 5G means that higher resolution sensors, capable of picking out subjects in low light even at great distances, can now provide better image definition. This means they can be used as an unattended ground sensor, and won't require hands-on operation and monitoring around the clock.

5G also enables IoT-enabled devices, making it easier to create tool kits that are truly useful to first responders. Smartphones, smart homes, smartwatches, and other wearables can transmit data via 5G and help first responders know more about the people they are rushing to save.

Smart car systems can inform rescue units if a vehicle flipped or rolled and if occupants were properly restrained. Health apps can let responders know if a victim needs to be checked for low blood sugar, or if they have mobility issues. Smart home data can tell firefighters the layout of the house and thermal imaging can warn of hotspots.

Perle can help you implement the hardware you need to take advantage of 5G networks. Even if you aren't in the lifesaving business, you can still connect and streamline your own bushiness processes, driving greater success. Read our customer success stories to learn more.


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