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Unstoppable network changes on their way

By Max Burkhalter
August 20, 2013

Think back for a moment to the yesteryear of Hollywood and you may soon stumble upon lots of train imagery. The sights and sounds of a massive train engine careening down the tracks at a damsel in distress, moody teenager too angst-ridden to pay attention or lovable hero with his or her boot stuck in the track is a classic moment of fear and desperation. The horn is blaring, the light of the engine is shining terminally on the victim and the unstoppable roar of the engine wheels are deafening. A change of circumstance is always the here, whether it be a person who shows up to save the individual in trouble or the thoughtto quickly untie the boot and get off the tracks.

The network industry is facing a freight train of its own in the form of rapidly-rising bandwidth demands, and network change could prove necessary as the hero helps many types of organizations avoid being decimated by the rapid pace of disruptive network movements.

Looking at new network challenges
According to a recent Think Digit report, studies have found that there will be more connected devices than people in the world by 2016. With many individuals using multiple network-enabled devices simultaneously, bandwidth requirements are set to skyrocket and the time has come for telecoms, businesses and other types of organizations to begin responding to the changes that are careening toward them.

The news source explained that the rise of connected devices will lead to major demand for both mobile and Wi-Fi network capacity. On the surface, you may see this and think, "Perfect, life will get much easier when everything is wireless." But you may be oversimplifying things a bit if you think wireless networks will make lives simpler for everybody. The problem, of course, is under the surface. Backhaul and telecom networks, in particular, face major challenges adapting in response to growing bandwidth demands in wireless network systems.

Keeping up with bandwidth challenges without creating excess costs
Media converters are vital when organizations want to keep up with network changes and avoid being hit by the freight train of shifting bandwidth requirements. Fiber is increasingly essential in a wide range of network settings, but fiber alone is usually too expensive and difficult to deal with in most networks. Finding ways to use copper strategically to complement fiber is necessary to optimize the network, and fiber to Ethernet media converters make that possible.

Perle has an extensive range of Managed and Unmanaged Fiber Media Converters to extended copper-based Ethernet equipment over a fiber optic link, multimode to multimode and multimode to single mode fiber up to 160km.


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