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Time Warner, Comcast to participate in World IPv6 day

By Donna Donowitz
February 15, 2011
Recently, telecommunications giants Timer Warner Cable and Comcast both announced they will take part in the upcoming World IPv6 Day, taking place on June 8. World IPv6 Day will help companies and users worldwide test their readiness for the next generation of Internet Protocol.

The addition of Time Warner and Comcast to list of participating companies is significant, as the two are among the top providers for millions of internet users. By participating, the companies will be able to test their own technology to ensure readiness and supply IPv6 users that will be able to help other’s setup.

"World IPv6 Day is important to further the deployment and widespread enablement of IPv6," John Brzozowski, a distinguished engineer at Comcast, as well as its chief architect for IPv6, said. "Being able to test our infrastructure at scale and verify our customers' experience is essential to seamless enablement."

"We're working hard to make IPv6 available to our customers," said Lee Howard, Time Warner Cable’s director of network technology. "All transitions have risks, and we're glad to be working together to minimize those risks with this significant test."

Currently, 26 other sites, such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Bing, Yahoo and Mozilla, have agreed to take part in the test day. The run will take place for the day’s entire 24 hours. The Internet Society, the group responsible for net standards and advocacy, has been spearheading the efforts for the test day.

Comcast has actually already begun testing IPv6 readiness - one the first to do so in North America - running IPv6 natively in a DOC SIS environment with a group of cable modem users in Colorado in January. Time Warner anticipates starting its own testing soon.

The need for IPv6 readiness arose when the final block of IPv4 addresses were issued last month. Even though experts had almost predicted the exact date this would occur years ago, many companies and technology providers remained unprepared. For example, Cisco’s Linksys modems, among the most popular on the market for consumers, are not currently compatible with IPv6, which has created some worries.

While most major switches to IPv6 aren’t expected to happen until 2012, the Internet Society’s efforts involving World IPv6 Day should help calm some fears.


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