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Time for companies to think seriously about sustainability

By Donna Donnawitz
May 9, 2013

Not too long ago, many businesses would put some small sustainability plan in place because they knew they could get some hippies to buy into green innovation and purchase just about anything from a company because the organization looked like it cared about the environment. Before long, green-related thinking went mainstream and some companies began to realize that they can actually save money internally if they improve their data center or building efficiency. It was an epiphany of sorts, as the realization that sustainability projects could generate a return on investment made for an attractive situation.

Attitudes are shifting in the energy-efficiency realm. A growing global awareness of climate change and broad environmental problems are making more government bodies aware of the need to reduce carbon emissions, and many are doing something about it. This is leaving businesses with regulatory pressure to get the job done more sustainably and, let's face it, nobody wants to be fined for being that annoying company that is harming the environment. According to a recent Gartner blog post, many companies facing regulatory pressure to improve energy efficiencyare beginning to recognize the risk of poor policies and are considering sustainability as part of their corporate excellence plans.

Looking at the broad business sustainability problem
Gartner explained that while many organizations are putting executive-level resources into data center efficiency strategies, many find themselves in a position where they cannot make measurable improvement because there is no way to track sustainability gains across large environments with so many interdependent architectures.A small change in one part of the data center can have a monumental impact on other parts of the facility, making a holistic view of the facility essential.

The news source said that new tools are starting to emerge to solve this problem by showing how sustainability efforts impact various aspects of the data center and provide the relational oversight necessary.

Making meaningful sustainability changes
One challenge for businesses is moving past the basic sustainability strategies and develop projects that lead to meaningful change. Console management systems can help organizations overcome this hurdle. Investing in console server architectures enables IT managers to view various aspects of the data center configuration remotely and manage systems through applications that can reside on computers or mobile devices. This can contribute to major efficiency gains because it removes some of the operational barriers, such as having IT workers travel to remote data centers, that get in the way of sustainability plans.

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