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Spinning reserve, energy storage markets rising

By Donna Donnawitz
November 12, 2012
Smart grid solutions could have a sweeping impact across the entire power delivery system. Smart grid does much more than just improve grid reliability and enable real-time data delivery. The technology also serves as a vital strategic enabler that allows a variety of other advanced power delivery solutions to emerge. According to a recent Pike Research study, this innovation is taking place in the spinning reserve and energy storage markets, which are intersecting and growing as a connected entity.

Importance of spinning reserve and energy storage solutions
Spinning reserve solutions have gained a prominent role in the utility market because they enable electricity providers to have an instant-on solution to kick in when power delivery problems emerge. A spinning reserve can be connected to the grid and set to turn on immediately if power delivery from the electricity generation site is disrupted. The spinning reserves then create their own electricity, providing a temporary solution to the problem. The study found that while spinning reserves have long been important, the rise of smart grid solutions is enabling utility providers to combine spinning reserves with energy storage solutions and make the utility system much more reliable.

Anissa Dehamna, research analyst for Pike Research, explained that energy storage solutions are beginning to play a larger role in the spinning reserve market.

"The traditional technologies that deliver spinning reserves, including all types of dispatchable power plants, are mature and well-understood," said Dehamna. "However, energy storage technologies, including pumped storage and newer forms of energy storage, are playing a larger role in this market. As markets begin to differentiate between technologies, such as with pay-for-performance regulations, energy storage technologies will gain market share in the spinning reserves market."

Depending on serial to Ethernet conversion
In order to make the grid more reliable by taking advantage of spinning reserves and energy storage solutions, organizations need to invest in serial to Ethernet technologies. Using spinning reserves and similar solutions successfully depends on being able to tell the solutions when to turn on. While they can be set up to activate automatically when the grid is disrupted, real-time data must be delivered quickly through the network to enable this functionality. Media converters are critical in making this possibility an actual part of operations within the utility grid.

Perle offers a range of cost effective serial-to-Ethernet converters to help meet NERC-CIP compliance for the protection of critical cyberassets in substations. The IOLAN SDS HV/LDC Terminal Server is designed to meet harsh environments associated with Power Substations with attributes such as support for substation AC and DC voltage ranges, extended operating temperatures and meeting emission, immunity and safety approvals associated with substation IT equipment.


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