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Smart grids help with energy storage

By Donna Donnowitz
November 13, 2013

Energy storage is just as large of a concern for providers as distribution. As such, many are investing in smart grid solutions to improve control over ancillary storage.

According to Renew Grid, the Philadelphia Navy Yard recently implemented a storage solution to integrate with its smart grid energy project. This will provide balance and backup power to the site, as well as help improve electric vehicle charging stations and other facilities.

Tom Leyden, CEO of Solar Grid Storage, told the news source that Hurricane Sandy drove interest in improved energy storage and heightened awareness of the vulnerability of power systems in the Northeast. Smart grid deployments can help providers better handle natural disasters and prepare for incidents. However, firms have several considerations to make before investing in these solutions.

Media converters
When investing in improved network infrastructure to implement a smart grid, energy providers have to ensure they are utilizing the right media converters to eliminate latency between cable types and when hooking up smart meters and other hardware to the system. For many providers they are already investing in improved infrastructure, making upgrading with serial to Ethernet converters a logical step.

Fiber-optic cabling
Many energy providers are turning to fiber for several reasons, from the increased flexibility and durability to better power management over distances. By making a switch to fiber optics, providers will be able to manage their smart grids more effectively and catch breaks in the transmission and other problems sooner.

Optimizing smart grid infrastructure is essential for success, and with companies already investing in improving their infrastructure, making these changes now can streamline growth and help providers take the next step toward efficient power distribution. The necessary technology, from terminal servers to fiber to copper converters, will make a smart investment for any energy firm.

With a changing climate for the electric industry, firms have to ensure they are approaching the challenges that modern technology bring with an open mind. Fiber optics and smart grids present new opportunities that firms should embrace in order to optimize their operations and begin delivering power in an efficient and better managed way.

Perle offers a range of cost effective serial-to-Ethernet converters to help meet NERC-CIP compliance for the protection of critical cyberassets in substations. The IOLAN SDS HV/LDC Terminal Server is designed to meet harsh environments associated with Power Substations with attributes such as support for substation AC and DC voltage ranges, extended operating temperatures and meeting emission, immunity and safety approvals associated with substation IT equipment.


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