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Rural broadband users pushing bandwidth capabilities

By Donna Donnawitz
July 19, 2012
While recent initiatives have been developed to deliver fiber to the home services and similar high-performance connectivity options throughout rural parts of the United States, many broadband customers still lack access to the speeds they need to perform day-to-day activities, a recent study from Calix found.

According to the research, many telecom companies in rural parts of the country lack the optical networking capabilities needed to support bandwidth demand created by consumers. This is becoming especially problematic as such usage types as video streaming, online gaming and social media continue to grow at a rapid pace and require large quantities of data. Furthermore, business network service demands are also rising and many telecommunications companies are unsure how to deal with the users that consume particularly large quantities of bandwidth.

The study found that, in rural parts of the United States, approximately 7.5 percent of internet users consumer roughly 60 percent of all bandwidth. Furthermore, efforts headed by the Federal Communications Commission's Connect America Fund, which is meant to help telecoms in rural regions develop optical network infrastructure and establish faster network speeds and broadband services have not come to fruition as of yet, with many users still experiencing poor performance.

Because of these ongoing issues, many internet service providers have developed aggressive stances that punish heavy bandwidth consumers. In some cases, this involves reducing speeds and data throughput capabilities for heavy bandwidth users in an attempt to free network resources for other individuals. However, the study found that such a punitive approach to heavy network usage could end up becoming problematic, especially since it limits telecoms and prevents them from taking advantage of individuals pushing their service limits. Instead of punishing users that consume large amounts of bandwidth, Calix recommends telecoms tailor services to those users' demands and offer them better solution plans.

Bandwidth challenges are becoming a pervasive issue around the world - not just in rural parts of the United States. The rapid rise in mobile web use, video streaming, social media functionality, cloud computing and anytime, anywhere business services has created major challenges for telecoms. As a result, many experts agree that major network upgrades are on the horizon in service provider and data center infrastructure. This is leading to considerable spending on optical network solutions, especially in backhaul systems.

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