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Reasons to reconsider the cloud (for now)

By Donna Donnowitz
February 17, 2015

Private clouds certainly are in vogue - numerous companies have jumped on the private cloud over the last few years, but that doesn't meant the movement is right for your business, at least not just yet. The latest research collected by Gartner revealed that there is plenty of uncertainty in the private cloud despite the service's surging popularity.

In fact, 95 percent of IT decision makers polled by Gartner said that their private cloud had experienced performance issues, said Datacenter Dynamics. Less than five percent of the 140 respondents reported a problem-free experience with their private cloud. Obviously no system will ever be completely perfect, but any IT investments made should be perfect for the needs of your company. Think carefully about the potential risk factors involved before investing in a major infrastructure change.

The industry's service offerings are still evolving
According to Amazon Web Services executive Andy Jassy, one issue continuing to confound IT teams in charge of data centers it the inability to consistently pace the growing need for greater capacity, said TechRepublic. Ideally, the private cloud set-up should help to alleviate this problem, but the aggressive growth of online-capable devices has constantly exceeded expectations and left IT teams coming up short when it comes to scalability.

This is a primary concern for companies that are experiencing growth and looking for the best way to maximize their investments while steadily expanding. The private cloud may not be the optimum choice if you expect the size of your company to increase substantially over the next few years.

Focus on solutions that meet your company's immediate needs
BizTech warned that a poorly planned private cloud adoption could quickly turn a smart tech investment into an instant boondoggle. While the private cloud certainly has its advantages, there's no point in adopting the technology if these perks don't speak to the present needs of your company.

A little foresight and research will make the time to upgrade obvious, but don't jump the gun just to stay up with the trends. If you're looking to make your data center more accessible, for instance, a simple solution like the addition of a remote console server could resolve the issue without the need for a private cloud vendor.

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