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Optical component market climbing

By Max Burkhalter
April 17, 2012
The demand for fiber-optic cable infrastructure is rising so quickly that the global market for optical network components will climb to a $42 billion by 2017, according to a recent Global Industry Analysts study.

The news source explained that fiber-optic network infrastructure is emerging as a critical technology to meet the data transit needs of an increasingly connected world. This is making the technology an essential part of an intelligent and comfortable human existence, the report said, as the past few years have witnessed a data explosion bred from video, multimedia and voice. These factors combine with cloud computing, mobile computing growth and other emerging technologies to create a burgeoning market for optical network deployment and more revenue opportunities for the fiber-optic components industry.

Other factors, including faster PCs, more users sharing single networks and high-performance network servers are also creating more congestion within the network, as they pump more data into the available hardware, the report said. This has profound implications for the networking sector as a whole, as the rise in bandwidth demand is outpacing what legacy solutions can handle and more fiber-optic infrastructure needs to be deployed at almost every level of the network.

These trends are also leading to more fiber-to-the-x deployments. FTTx delineates both fiber-to-the-home and fiber-to-the-business deployments, and the study explained this is one area ready for a meteoric rise in the next few years. A combination of more liberal regulatory guidelines and government support around the world is fueling double-digit growth for FTTx investments for the world as a whole. Rising spending in North America and Asia have been instrumental in this movement.

There are also new sectors working to embrace the technology. For example, the study found the avionics industry is poised to invest heavily in optical network components for everything from ground control systems to sensing and avionic platforms. This market is creating substantial demand for optical components designed to operate in harsh environments.

As the market for FTTx installation and other optical network deployments rise, it is vital that organizations work to develop the most intelligent fiber-optic cabling deployment for their needs. Media conversion technology can enable this process because it gives businesses the ability to switch from fiber to Ethernet and back again whenever necessary, allowing for more cost-effective migration to advanced network infrastructure.

Perle has an extensive range of Managed and Unmanaged Fiber Media Converters to extended copper-based Ethernet equipment over a fiber optic link, multimode to multimode and multimode to single mode fiber up to 160km.


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