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Lack of urgency still slowing IPv6 migration

By Donna Donnowitz
November 18, 2011
Businesses around the world have been so slow to adopt IPv6 that they are jeopardizing the technology's overall potential and putting the expansion of the internet at risk, according to a recent Network World report.

Speaking at the recent Canadian ISP Summit, Bill St. Arnaud, of Ottawa's St. Arnaud-Walker and Associates, explained that inadequate adoption rates for IPv6 and Domain Name System Security Extensions puts the two emerging protocols in a difficult position. They are becoming increasingly necessary, as available IPv4 addresses are running out, but a lack of demand by end users is leading many service providers and businesses to delay their IPv6 deployments.

To a great extent, organizations are waiting for customer demand for IPv6, but end users cannot demand the protocol if it is not offered. Regardless of the reason behind the lack of demand, St. Arnaud told audiences that the key problem is the lack of a clear business argument for IPv6.

The reason end user demand is such a big deal is that service providers and businesses need to know that users will use IPv6 if they spend the money to invest in the new protocol. Because such a small percentage of consumers are actually using IPv6-enabled devices, the business argument is not there. However, St. Arnaud argued that the new protocol is key to the future, and companies should work to create a business reason to invest in the new protocol.

For example, St. Arnaud explained he is working with a telecom organization in Thailand to create a wireless IPv6 network designed exclusively for students. If the user commits to using this IPv6-only network, he or she will have access to unlimited data throughput instead of a program with a cap on how much content can be downloaded. This creates a solid business argument for the IPv6 migration, as it creates a potential new revenue stream built around the protocol.

In some industries, the business argument for IPv6 is much simpler. The data center sector is one of these markets. Many experts agree the rising use of monitoring sensors, intelligent lighting systems and other similar technologies is creating an environment where more devices are requiring their own IP address to function at peak capacity, making the move to support IPv6 key for operational efficiency.

Perle’s serial to Ethernet converters connect serial based equipment across an Ethernet network. The Perle IOLAN range of Console Servers, Device Servers and Terminal Servers feature built-in support for IPv6 along with a broad range of authentication methods and encryption technologies.


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