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IPv6 and cloud computing are inherently linked, expert says

By Donna Donnowitz
October 7, 2011
Cloud computing and IPv6 are among two of the most prominent trends impacting the IT industry. Both movements have a key influence on networking, as IPv6 is a new network protocol that businesses need to eventually adopt, and cloud computing is accompanied by a number of networking challenges when it is deployed.

In a recent interview with IT Business Edge, industry expert Chip Popoviciu said IPv6 and cloud computing are inherently connected. Therefore, businesses and service providers that understand the key relationships between IPv6 and cloud migration will be able to adapt to the new systems more effectively.

Popoviciu told the news source the connection between IPv6 and cloud computing exists on two levels. The first is in the adoption process, where businesses need to follow a similar scheme of gradual implementation and testing to properly migrate to the new IT systems. The second area of similarity is more technical in nature. The cloud and IPv6 share architectural dependencies that make them a natural match within enterprise and service provider networks, according to Popoviciu.

The interconnection between IPv6 and cloud computing is clearly seen in a standard pyramid diagram, Popoviciu told IT Business Edge. IPv6 is at the bottom of that pyramid, providing the protocol-based advances needed to help networks operate more effectively. This is critical because the cloud stands at the next layer of the pyramid, and is dependent on the advances created by IPv6 to deliver the agility necessary to support the top. Applications are the top, and they will be unable to deliver resources to end users without the agility of the cloud, which is inherently dependent on IPv6's ability to scale, Popoviciu said.

Making the IPv6 and cloud transition to support each other is key, on a more operational level, because of changes in network best practices, Popoviciu told IT Business Edge. More companies are turning to large VLANs, which can create address resolution protocol storms, making it difficult for the network to plan traffic. IPv6 can resolve these issues through tools inherent to the technology, he said.

The new networking tools available with IPv6 combine with the exhaustion of IPv4 addresses to make migration a critical need. The emerging network protocol is among the most noteworthy trends in the network sector, and will become pervasive soon, VAR Guy reported.


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