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IoT-enabled transformation and disruption predicted

By Max Burkhalter
October 30, 2018

When companies want to stay ahead of the competition, they turn to technology. This pattern has held true for years now, and leaders who want to keep their organizations on a productive path should always have an eye on what's next. As of this moment, the internet of things remains one of the most promising developments taking shape. The concept of "smart" objects transmitting or receiving data is universally applicable, and it has already seen application in everything from smart homes and fitness devices to connected factory machinery.

The steps associated with creating a more intelligent, data-driven enterprise are challenging but essential. Leaders will have to find economical and effective ways to deploy relevant sensors and make use of the new streams of incoming information. Every step in using data brings its own difficulties, from safely storing untold quantities of content to possessing strong enough connections to transmit that data quickly. Managing these logistical concerns may separate leading companies from trailing competitors.

IoT becomes a value driver
The most recent KPMG tech innovation report indicated the impressive scale of the IoT, in terms of both data demands and value potential. With organizations looking for transformative innovation, they're turning to IoT use in ever-greater numbers, according to the researchers. The report indicated 17 percent of companies now see IoT as the top "game changer" when it comes to tech transformation. Providers of related services have reached maturity in their offerings, and users have in turn become more ambitious.

KPMG suggested that companies will drive efficiency and profits from increased IoT use. Not only will it provide new sources of revenue, this technology may change the whole way organizations earn money, changing product providers into services companies as they react to consumer interests and demands. Related tech areas worth investigating include artificial intelligence, which will provide the powerful algorithms needed to make sense of the vast and varied data flowing in from sensors.

Fully transforming business models overnight via an infusion of IoT products seems too good to be true, and in some ways it is. KPMG noted a few challenges companies will have to overcome to reach maturity in their IoT deployments. For example, the complexity of the technology is significant, and there are new failure risks and security challenges associated with upgrading. Becoming an adept IoT user means finding secure and reliable ways to transfer and store incoming data.

Servers connected by cables.With new IoT deployments come new IT demands.

2019 promises further development
While 2018 may be remembered by IT directors as the year when the IoT finally became a mature, value-adding deployment, there is still evolution to come. TechWorld reported from the Internet of Things Solutions World Congress, where experts in the field pointed to the most likely next steps for effective and optimal use of the IoT.

For example, the complex process of interpreting data flowing in from varied IoT components will remain difficult and challenging for some time, according to projections made at the IoTSWC. Integration of multiple systems and data sources is difficult because there is no standard for incoming signals. Experts predict the variety of options on the market will decline over time, especially as 5G networks become widely accessible. However, this process won't be immediate, and organizations will therefore have complicated data needs for years to come.

TechWorld also reported on the rise of edge computing as an alternative to pure-play cloud use. Companies may benefit from data storage and processing located close to the devices sending data. While it may seem regressive to add more on-premises resources rather than cloud-based applications, the performance boost can be worthwhile.

Networking hardware needed
Data everywhere - speed at a premium - a need for security. All of these priorities point to intense server room demands. Companies pushing ever further into the IoT will need reliable behind-the-scenes technology such as industrial Ethernet switches and serial to Ethernet converters to keep all their operations connected optimally. Check out some examples of organizations Perle has already helped with network hardware deployments.


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