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In-car Ethernet shows importance of media conversion

By Donna Donnawitz
November 1, 2012
Pretty soon, the statement that "Ethernet is everywhere" will be much more literal than figurative. In the past, it has been tempting to claim that Ethernet is all over the place because it quickly rose into the role of a pervasive network protocol and people began connecting to the internet all over the place. Even as this happened, the reality was that many other network protocols remained relevant and played an important role in a wide range of sectors. However, the performance capabilities and low cost of Ethernet have combined to make the solutions popular in a variety of areas. Ethernet is replacing many industry-specific network protocols and becoming a truly pervasive network solution.

If you look at the automotive industry, you can really see how this Ethernet everywhere trend is progressing.

Ethernet in cars
The idea of having Ethernet capabilities in cars seems really cool on the surface. It would unlock all kinds of fun infotainment capabilities and create a basis for functionality that seems more akin to science fiction than reality. Who doesn't want that? While Ethernet does set the foundation for these things, the more important change could come on a much more practical level.

According to a recent Wired report, the impact of deploying Ethernet in automobiles will be felt on the manufacturing level and in terms of vehicle efficiency. Most cars have miles of cabling in them. These wires are designed to connect to everything from the anti-lock braking system to the radio and engine computers. However, they generally use serial connections. This is important because serial offers high levels of reliability.

There is a growing trend, in traditionally serial environments, to adopt Ethernet. Within a car, the cables needed to connect to various serial devices can add substantial weight. The report said that turning to Ethernet will reduce the amount of cabling to such an extent that it will make cars noticeably lighter and improve fuel efficiency. They will also be easier and less expensive to manufacture.

Considering serial to Ethernet
The automotive market is not alone in its transition from serial to Ethernet. Many experts agree that industrial organizations and many other sectors are completing this process. This trend makes serial to Ethernet media conversion vital to ongoing connectivity success in these sectors. While Ethernet is rising, some equipment may still require serial options, making conversion capabilities essential to maintaining performance while controlling costs.

Perle’s serial to Ethernet converters connect serial based equipment across an Ethernet network. The Perle IOLAN range of Console Servers, Device Servers and Terminal Servers feature built-in support for IPv6 along with a broad range of authentication methods and encryption technologies.


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