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How Can We Make IoT "Future Proof"?

By Max Burkhalter
September 30, 2022

The Internet of Things is a network of physical objects that are embedded with electronics, software, sensors and connectivity that enable them to collect and exchange data.

Often described as all-knowing and all-accessible, the internet is a slow-moving machine in some aspects. The internet has always been a place where invention takes place. it's just that the rapid pace of change in technology has made it difficult for the internet to keep up with innovations. We can make the IoT "future proof" by using new technologies that will ensure that the internet can adapt just as quickly as they evolve.

IoT is expected to grow exponentially as more and more devices are connected to the internet. This growth will require new technologies, such as cloud computing, that can handle all this data. But it will also create new opportunities: Think of the idea of smart cities that can monitor residents' health or power grids that can adjust electricity supplies automatically. To make IoT future-proof, organizations must build systems that can handle large amounts of information and stay on the cutting edge of technology.

Some of the technologies that we can expect to impact the future of IoT include:


Blockchain is a distributed ledger system that stores information in "blocks". Blockchain technology doesn't allow any data to be changed or deleted without everyone knowing about it. Blockchain can help IoT by securing data that are exchanged between devices on any IoT network and by providing an audit trail for security purposes.

Quantum computing

Quantum computing is the new age of computer technology that will deliver processing speeds up to 100 times faster than current computers. This will ensure that data is processed faster than ever, along with instant authentication, verification and more. Essentially, it will help us make the internet of things more secure, robust and scalable in the future.


5G is the next generation wireless technology and will be a major game changer for IoT. It's being developed to offer faster speeds, lower latency and greater bandwidth than current 4G networks. It will also help create a network "end-to-end" architecture that supports connectivity across devices, sensors and the cloud. As such, 5G is expected to help facilitate the future possibilities of new smart cities, self-driving cars and other types of connected devices.

5G is also expected to play an important role in IoT edge computing as it will enable edge devices to consume less bandwidth while still providing remote access to cloud resources like processing power and storage. It could also allow edge devices to act as an intermediary between the cloud and IoT endpoints, helping them process data locally before sending it back to the cloud.

You can help your own business prepare for a future that is more controlled by IoT technologies. Find ways to add value to your organization by adding new products or services that support IoT technology. And don't forget about protecting your data, because no matter how careful you are when using IoT technology, there are always going to be vulnerabilities that can be exploited by hackers. Organizations should also consider investing in training now for employees who will be working with IoT devices. By doing these things, organizations can keep their IoT systems reliable and secure and ensure they remain ahead of the curve.

Trust your IoT technology with Perle

Perle offers device servers and terminal servers to aid in the connectivity required to streamline your IoT compatibility. For more information, reach out for a discussion.


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