Home, safe
By Max BurkhalterJune 2, 2022
Thanks to the remote sensing capabilities of today's connected smart devices, elderly and advanced aging populations may be able to enjoy healthy and safe stays in their homes for a longer period of time.
The institutionalization of the elderly has been a topic of concern for many individuals faced with the difficult decision of whether or not to move a loved one into a continuing care facility. Many parents and grandparents cannot safely navigate their homes as they age, and many children and grandchildren do not have the ability to continually monitor them.
Advances in internet of things (IoT) technologies may be providing a promising solution. In this article,
we'll examine the ways today's tech is making life at home easier than ever before.
Extended stay
According to a recent Markets and Markets report, the global wearable health care market is projected to reach $30.1 billion by 2026, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.2%.
The remote monitoring capabilities of sensor technology could keep the elderly safely at home. Multi-parameter monitoring devices equipped to a senior citizen's wrist in the form of a timepiece or tiny bracelet can now offer remote vigilance for health care professionals. Real-time transmission of everything from blood glucose levels to temperature can be tracked and submitted to a cloud-based platform that triggers alerts should levels change dramatically.
Senior Safety Reviews recently released their list of "The Best Fall Detection Systems for Older Adults," highlighting an array of wearable and wall-mounted in-home devices designed for the express purpose of notifying emergency responders, caregivers or designated medical personnel in the event of a fall.
Some technologies link both wearable and at-home devices to an external, cloud-based monitoring platform to provide a failsafe in the event of a potential false read or equipment malfunction.

Watched over
Today's monitoring systems don't rest – even when their hosts do. Today's IoT-enabled smart beds are transitioning out of medical facilities and into the homes of the elderly.
Sensor-equipped medical-assistance beds allow assigned health care personnel to remotely monitor patient diagnostics while a patient slumbers. Any changes or potential risk factors are transmitted in real-time via emergency signals. With the ability to monitor 35 different health points, including body temperature, weight and oxygen levels, the built-in diagnostic tracking system is connected to a patient's medical record. Changes and fluctuations are recorded and added remotely to the linked record, providing increased efficiency outcomes for responding personnel in the event of an emergency or critical care situation.
These compounding efforts are resulting in many senior citizens feeling safe at home as they advance in age. Although a physical presence may not be down the proverbial hall, a digital guardian is increasingly picking up the slack, taking care of society's loved ones and enabling them to enjoy their golden years from the comfort of their own home.
Linking technology to better health
Perle is proud to partner with the medical industry innovators that are leveraging connectivity solutions to power innovation. To learn more about how Perle provides efficient, reliable connectivity via industrial switches and terminal servers, visit our health care solutions page.