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FTTH to rise in Spain

By Donna Donnawitz
September 17, 2013

Fiber-to-the-home networks have been gaining prominence around much of the world, but many experts have longed looked at Europe as a continent that has fallen behind comparable regions. While there are still many debates surrounding FTTH market conditions, the technology's long-time role and what network formats fit best in Europe, FTTH still has plenty of potential. Look no further than Spain to get a glimpse of FTTH's gradually-rising role on the continent.

According to a recent Pyramid Research study, the communications market is likely to decline in general in Spain during the next two years, largely due to macroeconomic issues. However, the FTTH sector is a bright spot in this general industry decline.

FTTH gaining steam in Spain
While Spain's communications market will likely decline in the next two years, the news source explained that the long-term forecast is much brighter. This could lead to substantial revenue generation for the period of 2013 through 2018, leading to cumulativerevenues of approximately $168 billion.Stela Bokun, senior analyst for Pyramid Research, explained that rising demand for FTTH and fiber-to-the-business solutions will contribute to this revenue rise.

"The revenue from FTTH services will grow at a CAGR of 58 percent between 2013 and 2018, reaching $3.3 billion in 2018," said Bokun. "Pyramid Research's positive outlook of the Spanish FTTH/B market is associated with the recently announced fiber alliance between Orange and Vodafone, which will result in a significant increase in fiber network expansion in Spain."

According to the study, the communications sector is also being bolstered by rising LTE deployment, increased MVNO use and growth in mobile network deployments designed to support M2Mcommunications. These segments could end up being major contributors to short- and long-term strength in the communications industry as a whole. Bokun explained that, at this point, mobile adoption is high in Spain, but there is still plenty of subscriber revenue to be had in the enterprise segment.

Establishing contemporary communications architectures
Fiber to Ethernet media converters are becoming critical components of many network types. FTTH/B solutions are dependent on media conversion tools because the hardware enables interoperability between the fiber used in telecom systems and Ethernet in the homes. In mobile networks, fiber is increasingly necessary in backhaul, and telecoms need conversion technologies to ensure interoperability within radio signal towers. Media converters are emerging as key cogs in many types of contemporary communications networks.

Perle has an extensive range of Managed and Unmanaged Fiber Media Converters to extended copper-based Ethernet equipment over a fiber optic link, multimode to multimode and multimode to single mode fiber up to 160km.


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