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Data still a challenge in smart grid deployments

By Max Burkhalter
May 19, 2014

Data has always been a primary hurdle for utilities to cross regarding their smart grid strategies, and even as technology evolves and the potential for infrastructure deployments increases, firms still struggle with proper data management.

According to Information Age, data continues to be a barrier for businesses, not necessarily because of high volumes, but due to the complexity of the information that firms are dealing with. As utilities continue their smart grid investments, they have to ensure they are able to manage, store and parse the information available to them in a timely manner in order to properly leverage it and the advantages the smart grid is supposed to bring.

Data complexity as a problem
The increased complexity of information that utilities have to deal with is in part their own fault. Smart meters and terminal servers are helping to deliver high-quality data at a swift rate that firms need to delve into in real-time in order to leverage for their potential gains. The more powerful the smart grid technology a provider invests in, the more complex the information it gains can be. This data is essential for evolving utility potential, but firms have to invest in the right analytics, data management solutions and serial to Ethernet converters to transmit, store and use this resource.

Data complexity as an advantage
The key to optimizing data complexity is leveraging IT infrastructure. However, in order to accomplish this companies have to focus on the systems that transmit and deliver that information. The serial to Ethernet converter hardware, terminal servers and other substation systems that firms are deploying to meet their smart grid needs have to live up to big data criteria as well. With the right hardware and subsystems installed across the network, energy providers will be able to keep up with data and customer expectations more effectively.

The ultimate goal of any utility should be to strengthen its ability to deliver reliable, high-quality service to its customers. Harnessing data potential is a critical part of those efforts.

Perle offers a range of cost effective serial-to-Ethernet converters to help meet NERC-CIP compliance for the protection of critical cyberassets in substations. The IOLAN SDS HV/LDC Terminal Server is designed to meet harsh environments associated with Power Substations with attributes such as support for substation AC and DC voltage ranges, extended operating temperatures and meeting emission, immunity and safety approvals associated with substation IT equipment.


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