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Data Centers Are Scaling Up: How Can Operators Improve Their Processes?

By Max Burkhalter
January 11, 2022

In a digital world driven by the cloud and the scalable applications it hosts, companies are hungry for processing power. This has meant an increasing focus on data center infrastructure.

Data center expansion comes with challenges: Namely, how do companies stay cost-effective and efficient, even as they add computing capacity? To answer this question, data center operators will need to embrace more modern technologies and strategies. The end result — more sustainable and flexible data centers — will benefit all parties.

It's important to consider this data center development when considering the state of digital operations in 2022, because data centers are the framework upon which modern IT is being built.

The Data Center Market: Hyperscale is Scaling Up

The demand for powerful, flexible computing power is driving more organizations to use hyperscale data centers. This, in turn, is incentivizing operators to create more of these facilities. According to Global Market Insights research, the global pandemic has only increased this trend. More consumption of streaming content and demand for high-quality video streaming are some of the factors driving data center capacity.

According to the research report, retail and e-commerce organizations are among the other top users of hyperscale data center services. These companies are becoming more responsive to customer needs and preferences, using big data analytics to deliver customized experiences. That focus on advanced data use calls for an infusion of processing power.

Telecommunications is another important market for the high level of computing power enabled by a hyperscale data center. As Global Market Insights reported, adoption of 5G networks is one of the factors creating increased demand for powerful networking and resilient data center infrastructure. Reliable access to computing resources amid a torrent of data is a need across sectors; hyperscale data centers must meet this demand.

Forces Affecting Data Center Growth

Adding data center capacity will likely come with some challenges for operators to navigate. Industry stakeholder Terry Storrar, writing for Data Center Dynamics, highlighted some of the trends and demands companies will have to deal with as they expand in the years to come. For instance, growth can't come at the cost of sustainability.

It's easy to see how a group of vast new data centers will bring heavy demand for electricity. This raises the question of how operators will keep green energy promises. According to Storrar, operators should seek to eliminate outdated legacy technology where possible, as those systems came with heavier and less efficient power demands. Furthermore, data centers can embrace power distribution systems.

In addition to becoming more energy-efficient, data center operators will have to meet ever-escalating customer expectations. Storrar noted that in an era when companies of all kinds are relying on self-service processes, they are looking for assurances from data centers.

Organizations want to make sure their data partners have visibility into their infrastructure. Companies are looking for service providers that offer positive, flexible experiences. The most effective data center operators will deliver this level of service.

Equipment for Well-Developed Data Centers

Creating high-quality data center experiences can mean delivering a highly efficient management and troubleshooting experience. Remote access through Perle serial console servers and remote power switches is a way to create this level of powerful performance. Read data center success stories to learn more.


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