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Console management could relieve big data tensions

By Max Burkhalter
June 18, 2013

Big data can create lots of stress in the data center. Managing the architectures necessary to support big data is a headache waiting to happen because the technological movement leads to new demands in terms of storage capacity and performance. You can't just stick a whole bunch of hard disks into new storage arrays and expect to keep up with big data. Instead, IT managers usually have to balance high-RPM hard disks for capacity with specialized solid state drives or all-flash arrays that provide the necessary throughputfor big data operations. The end result is a data center configuration that can be incredibly complex and substantially from the help offered by console management technologies.

Big data's impact on the data center
Storage infrastructure has long played a background role in data centers. IT managers usually focus on servers and, to a lesser degree, the network. Storage arrays simply resided in the background supporting databases and similar functions. In this environment, arrays were extremely easy to manage. All a storage array really does is house a bunch of hard disks and provide an interface for connecting and controlling them. This model for managing storage is no longer valid as big data takes hold, and you may need to start looking more carefully at how you deploy hard disks and solid state drives in response.

With big data creating new operational challenges, IT leaders are left dealing with bustling server environments, overloaded networks and extremely complex storage setups that can be incredible demanding. The end result of this situation is data center sprawl - a circumstance in which you are facing an incredibly large and varied data center footprint that can be almost impossible to manage. This is where console servers can pay off.

Using console management to deal with data center sprawl
Console server systems provide remote management of data center assets. While this may sound simple, the actual applications of the technology can be incredibly varied. Console management can be used, for example, for a straightforward remote management function. If you are visiting a branch office in a foreign market to provide IT guidance when a data center problem arises, console servers allow you to make the adjustments necessary. Conversely, you could be managed a large, complex data center and use console management to make configuration changes quickly and efficiently, countering data center sprawl and supporting big data systems more effectively.

Perle's wide range of 1 to 48 port Perle Console Servers provide data center managers and network administrators with secure remote management of any device with a serial console port. Plus, they are the only truly fault tolerant Console Servers on the market with the advanced security functionality needed to easily perform secure remote data center management and out-of-band management of IT assets from anywhere in the world.


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