Console management can have disaster recovery implications
By Donna DonnawitzMarch 5, 2013
Using console management to recover from disasters
Consider what normally has to happen when a server fails. IT managers have to go to manually transmit backup data from a secondary system to a new server. While the backup setup can be accessed remotely through the web in many cases, a new physical server usually has to be established in person. This can create major challenges when it comes to getting systems running as quickly as possible. Console server systems can alleviate this problem.
IT leaders can use console management systems to establish new servers and adjust other aspects of the configuration remotely. This is especially handy for businesses with data centers that are distributed between third-party locations, branch offices or other facilities. In such a setup, IT administrators often have to physically travel to the facility to make the changes needed to recover systems. Console management makes that travel time unnecessary, at least when it comes to getting backup systems running, alleviating many recovery-related concerns.
Console servers can prevent disasters
Overheating is one common cause of equipment failure. Itcan happen when hot spots occur in the data center and hardware is effected. Console management systems provide IT with the ability to almost immediately adjust the data center configuration to get rid of the hot spot. This can be done by adjusting the cooling system or moving virtual machines to an area unaffected by temperature issues before problems arise. Hot spots are just one example of a problem that console management can resolve quickly enough to prevent a disaster.
Console servers give IT leaders more control over the data center configuration. This can have major disaster recovery implications and help businesses avoid major problems.
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