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Children's parable representative of Canadian IPv6 migration

By Max Burkhalter
May 3, 2011
The turtle and the rabbit is a children's parable that teaches the value of persistent effort over short, frantic work. According to industry expert Mark Blanchet, the story is also an appropriate microcosm of the IPv6 migration in Canada.

Blanchet told itWorld Canada that most companies in the country are falling into the role of the turtle or the rabbit when it comes to IPv6 adoption. The turtles are the businesses that began working on IPv6 through small steps that were all purposefully taken. The rabbits, on the other hand, decided they did not need to worry about switching to IPv6 until the last moment and are now scrambling to upgrade their network infrastructure to match the address protocol.

Telecom service providers and other companies that have begun laying the groundwork for IPV6 are well on their way to dealing with the new protocol, Blanchet told the news source. Many of these organizations have deployed MPLS technology and other solutions that will make it easier to create separate native IPv4 and IPv6 sources. Mobile providers are also getting closer to reaching the protocol as they follow the plans set forth by U.S. companies in their sector to deploy IPv6 compatible systems.

Organizations that have begun preparing early to meet the changes mandated by IPv6 have positioned themselves well, Blanchet told itWorld Canada, because moving to IPv6 can be a long and complex process. Some businesses that are rushing to deploy IPv6 are choosing to simplify the process by using address sharing. The report said this is opening those businesses up to spam and other security risks. Therefore, companies need to focus on making the necessary infrastructure updates to handle IPv6.

Industry expert Owen DeLong told the news source most businesses are currently in a tunnel when it comes to getting ready for IPv6. Some companies have worked hard to make the migration possible, and are seeing the light at the end of the passage. For businesses that have not put the same effort into the transition, that light is a train that could severely damage business prospects, he said.

Telecom service providers that are transitioning to the new IPv6 standard are facing an especially difficult period in which they must make major changes to their network infrastructure. A recent report from said the major upgrades on the horizon could lead service providers to offer more advanced, state-of-the-art service plans.


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