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Businesses falling behind in IPv6 adoption

By Donna Donnowitz
June 7, 2011
Service providers are well established among the leaders in IPv6 adoption because deploying IPv6 protocols can help them create new revenue opportunities. For the most part, other businesses do not see the same potential in the new protocol. As a result, many have fallen behind in IPv6 adoption.

A recent survey from Infoblox details just how far behind many businesses are when it comes to IPv6, and the reality of enterprise IPv6 adoption is stark. For the most part, respondents said they are still in the educational stage of IPv6 deployment.

As a result, approximately 80 percent of respondents said they are not yet educated enough on the IPv6 protocol. Half of the respondents do not even know which parts of their network infrastructure are capable of supporting IPv6 and which are limited to IPv4 alone. Therefore, it is not surprising that respondents listed a lack of education as one of the primary barriers to IPv6 adoption.

Risk was another fear when it comes to IPv6 migration, the survey found. The perception of risk could come from the lack of education about IPv6, but may also stem from other factors uncovered by the survey. For example, the poll found 41 percent of respondents are still using outdated methods of tracking IP addresses. These respondents are manually entering IP addresses into spreadsheets when devices log onto the network. These factors contribute to how far businesses have to go before they are ready for IPv6.

The survey found 70 percent of respondents are currently concerned about being ready for IPv6 adoption. Another 41 percent believe they are falling behind their peers. Furthermore, just 24 percent have dedicated financial, technological or personnel resources directly for IPv6 adoption. As a result, just 23 percent expect to have outward-facing IPv6-ready websites by the end of 2011.

A recent Campus Technology report emphasizes the important of outward-facing IPv6 websites. The report explains that many institutions still have at least a couple of years' worth of IPv4 addresses stored to keep their IPv4 network relevant. However, many are concerned that IPv4 depletion in other parts of the world will make it impossible for interested consumers to visit their websites if they are not updated to support both IPv4 and IPv6 transmissions. As a result, updating infrastructure for outward-facing IPv6 websites is becoming a key priority for IPv6 migration in the United States.


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