OSM Helps Hospitals Distribute Lab Data Quickly and Reliably
The Customer
OSM GmbH, based in Essen, Germany, develop and sell OPUS::L, the leading data management solution for hospital and health management laboratories. In a laboratory environment, OPUS::L correlates blood analyzer data with patient information and transmits the results to the correct doctors and wards. There is no room for error and, in turn, the hospitals save time and money.
When you are dealing with lab results, you are directly in touch with human life. In the medical field a manufacturer is quickly confronted with a life or death situation, especially in the emergency room. Providing the correct data at the right time is critical to allow the doctors to start effective life saving measures.
In use at more than 180 hospitals, OPUS::L is scalable to handle medical environments from small clinics up to hospitals with more than 2,000 beds.
The Challenge
When designing OPUS::L, OSM needed a solution that would allow them to connect a blood analyzer, barcode scanner and label printer to a network and then capture and transmit vital data to the intended recipients.

The Solution
OSM spent a long time looking for a cost effective solution that would handle the data traffic and fit in seamlessly with the OPUS::L data and software architecture. Perle IOLAN+ Terminal Servers proved to be the perfect product to complete the OPUS::L solution.
When the blood samples enter the lab, a barcode scanner captures the patient information that has been sent over with the blood. Simultaneously, a new label is printed for a special ‘blood analysis tube’. The original blood sample can now be transferred to the new tube for examination by the blood analyzer equipment. Upon completion of the analysis, the patient record is updated with the results of the blood tests and immediately transmitted across the network to the appropriate doctors and wards.
OPUS::L developers were especially impressed with the high reliability of the Perle IOLAN+. “We simply saw far less failures with Perle than with other products. And the Perle Terminal Servers integrated quickly and easily into our software without a fuss”, insists Stephan Geldsetzer, Head of Purchasing at OSM.
Reliability is by far the most important feature of Perle Terminal Servers. Should any server fail this could lead to an entire lab being unavailable. This simply can not happen in the day-to-day operations of a clinic.